


A 33 to 19 score fails to show the great superiority of the Freshman quintet yesterday afternoon in defeating the strong Second Year Law five, the Graduate School champions, in a practice game.

Freshmen Slow At Start

The Freshmen got away to a slow start, and it was not until five minutes after the opening of the game that McCurdy, who started at center, caged a goal after a pretty bit of team work between Slocum, Baldwin and himself. From then until the end of the game the Freshmen were never headed. They had a safe lead of nine points at the end of the first half, which they increased before the close of the game.

Slocum Is High Scorer

The work of Baldwin and Slocum, the 1928 forwards, was particularly brilliant. The latter was the high scorer with six field goals and one free throw, but both were very clever in handling and passing the ball. At times the team work of the freshman quintet seemed to go to places. Slocum especially had a tendency to forget the rest of the team and play for himself. But these rough spots always crop out in early season games, and will undoubtedly be smoothed over before the regular schedule starts on January 10.


The Law men were by no means weak but they were handicapped by the superior speed of the 1928 quintet, and seldom broke through the five man defense employed by Coach Drohan. Aitken, the left forward, was a very accurate shot, as his four goals from the floor indicate.

The summary: 1928  LAW SCHOOL Slocum, Cozzens l.f.  r.f. Vogel Baldwin, Pusey r.f.  l.f. Aitken MacCurdy, Green c.  c. Cooker Oothout, Green, Kelley l.g.  r.g. Randal Melsenbach, Fordyce r.g.  l.g. Fannenbaum

Score, Harvard 1928 33, Second Year Law 19. Goals from the floor, Slocum 6, Paldwin 2, Green 2, McCurdy 2, Oothout, Meisenbach, Pusey, Aitken 4, Vogel, Cooper, Randal, Fannenbaum. Goals from foul, Slocum, Baldwin. Green, Aitken, Randal, Fannenbaum. Time, 15 minute halves.
