

Former Center Has Probably Earned End Assignment--Gehrke, Miller, and Hammond Considered Sure to Start

The eleven men who will face the first attack of the Princeton Tiger will become known at the Mass Meeting tonight. Coach Fisher and his assistants decided soon after the B. U. game who was to start on Saturday, but the lineup will not be made public until this evening.

From the teams which have been playing in the Stadium during the past two days, from a fair knowledge of the condition of the few men still on the injured list, and from a general survey of the work of each player during the seven weeks of football which have already elapsed, a pretty accurate estimate of the starting eleven can be made.

Starting Quarterback Still in Doubt.

Three positions in the backfield are unquestionable. Gerhke, Miller, and Hammond will certainly be the first driving threat directed against Nassau. But the quarterback berth which has baffled all speculation throughout the early season, still continues to be indefinite. Will it be Cheek, Spalding, or Stafford?

For six weeks the discussion revolved about Cheek and Spalding, but about ten days ago the third possible candidate sprang into prominence. His energy, speed, and headlines served to bring him to the fore as a first string possibility. Now, three days before the Princeton battle, Stafford, it appears, is ranked number one of the three pilots.


Cheek May Not Play

Cheek again wore civilian clothes at the Stadium yesterday afternoon when the teams ran through a long signal drill. One cannot help think of the possibility of his not being available for action at all on Saturday. But as no definite announcement has been made by the doctors, his status is not really known.

Spalding seems best fitted for the position of relief quarterback. He is at his best in crucial moments of the game, when a victory or defeat might depend on the choice of one play. It, therefore, seems likely that Coach Fisher will reserve him for some such moment. The conclusion of this reasoning is that Stafford will be one of the eleven on the Union platform tonight.

Gamache Will Play End

Most of the line positions are fairly obvious. One change, however, that it seems probable that the coaches have made, will come as a surprise. This is the promotion of Gamache, tried for the first time at end last week, to the place formerly filled by Chase. Gamache's rise has been even more spectacular and sudden than Stafford's. Playing as a substitute center all the early part of the year, he was never conceded a chance of becoming a first string man. Perhaps his blunder in making a faulty pass at a crucial moment in the Dartmouth game served him well in the end. Shortly after he was given a chance at an outpost. That he has done well at his new job is witnessed by the fact that he is the most likely candidate for right end against Princeton.

Robb probably will fill the other end. The tackles should be Greenough and Coady, the guards Theopold and Daley, and the center Adie.
