

Professor Hornbeck Will Give First of Winter Lecture Series

At an organization meeting held last week the University History Club elected its officers for the present year and arranged a course of lectures on historical subjects which will be given at the periodical meetings of the organization.

The officers elected for the coming year were: C. H. Buck 3G., president; E. D. Salmon 3G., vice-president; C. W. Edwards 3G., secretary; and G. F. Howe 2G., treasurer. Membership in the club is open to all Seniors in the college who are concentrating in History, and to all graduate students in History.

The series of lectures will begin on next Tuesday, November 25, with an address by Professor S. K. Hornbeck on "Contemporary Affairs in China." The meeting will be held in Conant Common Room and will begin at 8 o'clock. Professor Hornbeck is a noted author of books on Far Eastern historical questions and his lecture is intended for both history and government students.

Nine or ten other meetings have been planned, to be held about once a month, and prominent speakers will be secured to address each gathering. The usual attendance at the meetings last year was about 100, but this year the officers hope to increase the attendance materially by popularizing the subjects of the lectures.


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