

First Time in Five Years None Have Had to Be Cut--Graduate Tickets Mailed Yesterday and Today

Yesterday was the big day at the Harvard Athletic Association, when tickets for the Harvard-Yale football game in the Yale Bowl a week from Saturday were mailed out to nearly 6000 graduates living outside greater Boston.

Today, approximately 6000 more envelopes will be sent out to graduates living in Boston and Cambridge. And on Monday, the Harvard students will start their march to the H. A. A. offices where the tickets will be given personally to the 3700 Harvard applicants.

Practically every application was for the maximum of two tickets, bringing the total number of pasteboards to be distributed to Harvard men up to 20,961. Although this figure is almost 300 higher than the number of tickets distributed for the Harvard-Yale game in the Bowl two years ago, the H. A. A. offices were able to fill all applications without cutting down on the number of tickets applied for by any one individual. This is the first time in five years that every applicant for seats to the Yale game has received the full number of tickets he applied for, Mr. C. F. Getchell of the H. A. A. reported last night.

While the Yale tickets are going out by mail; tickets to the Brown-Harvard game on Saturday are also in heavy demand. With the Brown supporters occupying 11 entire sections, the estimated attendance tomorrow will be about 45,000, which is greater by 5000 than the crowd which attended the same game last year. About the only tickets which are left on sale now are those in the colonnade, the bowl, and the wooden stands. These seats are still on sale at the Cambridge and Boston agencies, and at Soldiers Field on the afternoon of the game.
