

Hope to Offer Big Obstacle to Nassau March Toward Big Three Title--Name Probable Starting Line-Up

New Haven, Conn., November 10, After Princeton's crushing defeat of Harvard, the Yale football team will be put through an intensive week of practice in an effort to stop the Tigers' rush toward the Big Three Championship. A long scrimmage, with the scrubs using Princeton plays, was held today and similar work-outs will take place tomorrow and Wednesday. On Thursday the University Friday the squad will journey to Trenon will run through a signal drill and ton where quarters have been engaged at the Stacy Trent Hotel.

Name Likely Eli Line-Up

In all probability the Elis will line up Saturday as follows: Hart and Luman, ends: Joss and Butterworth, tackles; Root and Sturhahn, guards; Lovejoy, center; Bunnell, quarterback; Pond and Cottle, halfbacks; Allen, fullback. The loss of Shep Bingham, veteran left end, will be severely felt although Hart has been playing a good game in his place. Early last week Bingham twisted his knee when intercepting a scrub forward pass. Two days later he suddenly developed a bad case of water on the knee and was forced to go to the Infirmary. He was released this morning but is walking on crutches and it is practically certain that he will be unable to resume his position against Princeton and extremely doubtful whether he will be fit for the Harvard game. Bingham's absence will handicap Yale all the more because Princeton's greatest attack is on end runs.

Bunnell Gets Call Over Bench

Bunnell has replaced Bench at quarterback, partly because the latter is still suffering from a muscle bruise but mostly because of his own fine showing in the Maryland contest. Bunnell directed the plays with keen strategy, bringing out Yale's latent power to a degree that had not heretofore been reached this season.


Right guard is the only position subject to change other than any caused by injuries. Eckart was given the assignment during the first few games but Wertham displaced him until the Maryland game, when Root was moved in from tackle in order that Butterworth, who has been steadily improving, might be employed in the none-too-strong line. There is still a small possibility that either Eckart or Wortham may win back the berth before the whistle blows on Saturday.

Yale's Confidence Restored

As a result of their astounding performance against Harvard, the Tigers will rule a heavy favorite over Yale, but they will find a much tougher opponent in the Elis than the Crimson, eleven of last Saturday. Yale's impressive victory over Maryland restored a great deal of confidence in Captain Lovejoy's aggregation, which, of course, was somewhat dampened when the 34 to 0 score was announced in the Bowl.

Maryland was weak in every department of the game, but nevertheless Yale flashed some real power against the Southerners. The backs, particularly Kline, stood out. Kline was able to gain almost at will through the line, time and again breaking through for long gains which were only stopped by three or four tacklers nailing him at the same time. Lindley and Cutler also ran riat and McGunigle and Failing did well. The Blue, it appears, has plenty of backfield material available, for in addition to these there are the regulars, Pond, Cottle, and Allen.

Scott Shows Educated Toe

Another pleasant surprise of the Maryland game was Scott's feat in kicking two long field goals. Although he had a strong wind with him, either of them would have been good for forty yards on a calm day. These were the first dropkicks scored by Yale this year, and supporters of the Blue were becoming fearful lest this defect might prove an important factor in the big games ahead. Scott is also a first-class defensive back, in-fact almost the equal of Allen. If the speedy Tiger backs rip through the Yale line as they did through Harvard's he will be an invaluable asset to the Elis.
