


When the big Green football machine lines up in the Stadium Saturday, who will be given the all-important task of directing the attack? Will it be the veteran Dooley or the comparatively untried Fallon who will bark the signals that set the Dartmouth attack in motion?

This is the question that is on everyone's lips in Hanover whenever football is discussed, and that is most of the time. The coaches say Fallon, but there is some doubt whether they themselves are sure of their decision.

Dooley Brilliant in Stadium

The memory of the brilliant game that Dooley put up in the Stadium last fall still lingers in the minds of Harvard men. Sport critics united in giving him a very considerable portion of the credit for the Dartmouth victory. His piloting of the team was well nigh flawless, and it won him the place as All-Stadium quarterback on the CRIMSON'S mythical eleven.

It is more or less of a surprise to Harvard sport followers, therefore, that this flashy field general, with a year's added experience, should not be the unquestioned choice for the quarterback berth. Dooley's career has, however, had its ups and downs since that memorable day in the Stadium.


The very next weekend, when the Green team faced the Red Terror from Cornell, Dooley was a tremendous disappointment. Since then he has shown flashes of his Harvard game form and equally noticeable recurrences of the uncertain play that marked his play against Cornell.

Fallon is Consistent Quarter

Meanwhile Fallon, who beat Dooley out for the Freshman quarterback berth, has been plugging away pretty consistently, although his work has been overshadowed by his more spectacular rival.

Dooley went into the Yale game last week as the regular Dartmouth quarterback. In the first minute of play he made a costly fumble, which led to a Yale score. Fumbles are, however, excusable. No sane coach would drop a man from the team for a slip of that sort.

Later on, however, Dooley had a first down on the 1-yard line, and in four chances failed to plug through the line for a touchdown. The whole storm of disappointment and protest of the Dartmouth rooters was directed at the unfortunate quarterback.

Dooley Relegated to Seconds

When, the team assembled at Hanover Monday Dooley was on the second eleven, and Fallon on the first. The coaches announce that Fallon will start Saturday. But ever in the back of their minds must lurk the remembrance of the Dooley who was Harvard's nemesis a year ago.
