

"My main quarrel with Fundamentalism is its lack of faith in Man" was the heading which the Reverend Charles Francis Potter, pastor of the West Side Unitarian Church in New York City, summed up his Modernistic views at an address in Phillips Brooks House last night, held under the auspices of the Harvard Christian Association.

"If we allow the conception of Heaven and Hell that the Fundamentalists have to flourish we will find many of our progressive moves being held in check. For instance their positive belief that everyone goes either to Heaven or Hell makes them argue in favor of capital punishment. At the time the time the Leopold-Loeb case was going on, I heard Doctor Straton from his own pulpit give as a reason for the horrible crime that the Devil had possessed the two boys.

"Another of their very dangerous and dogmatic policies is their endeavor to drive out from the schools all teaching and references to the theory of evolution. In five states they have had bills brought up before the legislature, ostracizing this biological principle from all schools. One state has already passed such a measure.

"The result of all this poppycock is that the young people leave the church and when such a condition arises what greater 'social menace' could there be?"
