

Of interest to those who care for the better things of the stage is the announcement that Otis Skinner will appear at the Colonial Theatre, Boston, in Melchior Lengyel's satirical comedy, "Sancho-Panza", adapted from Miguel de Cervantes' famous story, "Don Quixote de la Mancha.", Mr. Skinner will come to the Colonial Theatre next Monday, January 7, direct from the Hudson Theatre, New York, for a limited engagement of three weeks. The entire supporting cast that shared with him the honors of the New York engagement, will appear in Boston.

Russell Janney, producer of "Sancho Panza," has endeavored to maintain the spirit of Cervantes' "Don Quixote", so that those who are familiar with the famous Don and his encounter with the windmills may not be disappointed in the transferring of the atmosphere from the book to the stage. Even Sancho Panza's famous donkey, "Dapple", has not been overlooked. In fact, he shares honors with Mr. Skinner.


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