

Hesse Will Replace Captain Lightbourn in Game With Maine Schoolboys

The Freshman quintet will try to get back into the winning habit this afternoon at 4 o'clock when the Hebron (Maine) Academy five is scheduled to invade the Freshman Athletic Building. Captain Lightbourn will be out of the Crimson line-up on account of a slight injury received at Worcester Saturday, but Leekley will take his regular place at center.

Coach Chase plans to use Hesse and Malick at guards, Leekley at center, and Eby and Eaton at forwards. After Lightbourn's return to the line-up. Hesse may be converted into a forward.

The strength of the Hebron team has not been tested this year, but the school-boys have won the championship of the Pine Tree State with monotonous regularity during the past few seasons. Their headliner is Beach, center of the championship Fitchburg High five last year. Hobbs, another Fitchburg product, and Kelleher are also stellar performers.
