

New Staff Hopes to Eliminate Former Friction of Different Systems--Crew Men Held Informal Fall Practice

Edward A. Stevens of Portland, Oregon, has been appointed as head coach to take charge of the rowing at the University this year. He succeeds Coach Muller who has resigned and has returned to Philadelphia.

With Coach Stevens come two more Westerners, Fred Newell and Sam Shaw, who will act as assistant coaches. Stevens will personally supervise the work of the University oarsman, while Shaw will have charge of the Freshmen and Newell of the class crews.

In order that the coaches might get acquainted with some of the men and might start in with their new teaching principles before the actual work began, ten members of the University crew squad have spent the past week at Hamilton, on Chebacco Lake, as the guests of Mr. F. H. Prince. Shells were transported from Cambridge and since Monday the men have worked out twice daily. The men who have been at Chebacco are Captain B. McK. Henry '23, S. N. Brown '24, B. H. Burnham '24, Seabury Cook '25, R. K. Fox, Jr. '26, D. C. Gates '26, J. R. Hoover '24, Eliaha Canning Jr. '26, S. B. Kelley '25 and George Munford '25.

All three of the new coaches come from Portland, Oregon. Stevens has been a champion single sculler and sweep oarsman. He was once a member of the Cornell crew and later assisted as a crew coach. Recently he has been connected with the Portland Rowing Club rowing with Newell on a champion 1923 crew. Shaw comes from the University of Washington where he captained last year's victorious eight.

The appointment of Stevens and his assistants, which was announced about September 1, has received favorable comment in most quarters. The concensus of opinion is that the new coaches will standardize the style of rowing used by the University, the 150-pounders, and the Freshmen, so that a system will gradually be developed and shifts in the eights each year will not cause as much friction as formerly.


The crew management definitely announced last night that Coach Ed. Brown, who has had charge of the class crews in recent years, will return again this year although it is still undecided as to which crews he will handle.
