

Will Speak on Charles Lamb in Agassiz House at 8.15 Tonight

This evening at 8.15 o'clock in Agassiz House, Radcliffe College, Professor Charles Townsend Copeland '82 will speak on "Charles Lamb in his Life and Letters" for the benefit of the Radcliffe Endowment Fund. This is the first time he has publicly lectured on this subject. He will be introduced by Mrs. G. P. Baker, acting Dean of Radcliffe. This is an extra lecture that has been added to the regular Monday afternoon talks, and was planned particularly for seniors who are taking divisionals in English this spring. Reserved seats for the lecture are now on sale for $1.00 and $1.50 at the Cooperative Society, Leavitt and Peirce's, and Herrick's. The lecture will be open to the public, but after 8.15 o'clock the doors will be closed.

The committee in charge includes Miss Maud B. Gorham, Miss Elizabeth W. Monroe, Miss Mary Sands, and Miss Lucy Talcott.
