

Elis Have Distinct Edge on Sons of Nassan

Yale and Princeton will face each other on the gridiron next Saturday, considerably humbled eleven's as a result of last Saturday. Yale's bare defeat of Maryland, 16-14, generated qualms of doubt among the blue fans, but when one considers that Yale's first string men were on the side lines at Princeton and the brilliant effort put forth by the Eli girders in their sweeping defeat of the strong Army team the week before by a score of 31-10 and when one considers that the Maryland encounter was scarcely one to bring out Yale's best football, the result has a greater meaning in its bearing on Saturday's contest, with Princeton. The Yale team took it easy Saturday, storing their energies for the two successive grueling contests with Princeton and the University.

But the showing of the Tigers against the Crimson cannot be explained away as can the poor exhibition of Yale, for Saturday's contest distantly pointed out that the Orange and Black team lacked a sound rushing attack. Lack of power was not only noticeable in the backfield, but also on the line, where the Crimson forwards showed their superiority.
