

All Interested College Men Invited to Hartford Meeting

The Sixteenth Annual Conference of Eastern College Men, which has invited, through the Phillips Brooks House, any University men who are interested to attend will attempt to present to those college and university men who are how deciding upon their life work definite and reliable information concerning the opportunity of the ministry. The meetings of this conference, which is held under the auspices of the Theological Seminaries in New England, will be from October 26-28, at Hartford, Conn.

It is intended to show the need of the right sort of men, as ministers and help men decide whether or not they wish to enter the ministry.

The conference is not intended only for men who plan definitely to go into the ministry, or who have a natural inclination that way. It is meant for every college man who has a decided purpose for his life in whatever profession or line of business even if he feels he is unfit to make it what he wants it to be. As far as the ministry is presented it will be from the undergraduates and recent graduates point of view, as well as from that of older men who have the confidence of the present student generation.

All University delegates will have all their expenses except their railroad fare paid by the conference. Any one interested may obtain further information at the Phillips Brooks House office.

The program for the three days include many short talks by about 15 college graduates and longer addresses by Dr. Alexander Purdy, and probably Professor D. D. Vaughn of Boston University. The conference will be opened by Henry S. Coffin and Richard Roberts of Montreal.
