

These Crews to be Retained for More Fall Work--Inexperienced Dormitory Crews Take to Water for First Time

The seven 150-pound crews which have been rowing for over a week on the Charles will have their first races tomorrow to be run off in two heats. The course which has been chosen by Coach Fred Newell for the regatta will be from the Cambridge Boat Club to the Anderson Bridge. On Friday there will be both the finals and an extra consolation race for the losers.

The object of this regatta is largely to help Coach Newell choose three of the seven 150-pound eights to continue rowing until the week of the Princeton football game.

It is interesting to notice that although the football squad draws many of the heavier oarsmen in the fall, that squad rarely includes many light candidates, so that all men who would be eligible for this branch of rowing can come out in the fall, making it more possible to form a fairly definite University 150-pound eight early in the year and give this combination the benefit of working together for a longer time than usual.

The same hard work that has characterized the practice of the three University eights since the cut last week was noticeable in yesterday's session on the river. For a while Coach Stevens took the stroke's seat in one of the crews to illustrate his points better. Yesterday the 16 inexperienced Freshman dormitory crews went out for their first row on the Charles, already beginning work with the interdormitory regatta on November 5 and 6 as the goal.
