

Will Go on Sale Tuesday at $7.70 at Leavitt and Peirce's and H. A. A.--Saving Effected Is $15.40

Following the example of the H. A. A. in selling season tickets, B. D. Nash '23 manager of hockey for 1923, has made arrangements with Mr. George Brown, manager of the Boston Arena, whereby students of the University may purchase season tickets for the University hockey games that are held in the Arena. This is the first year that any such system has ever been employed. The scheme was proposed by the hockey management as a money saver and as an inducement for students to attend all hockey games and lend their support to the University. The irregularities of purchasing individual tickets have in the past cut considerably into the number of the students who attended the games with a resultantly small cheering section. It is expected that a single ticket at considerably reduced price will offer sufficient inducement to student attendance with a corresponding material increase in student support of the hockey team, and interest in the sport generally.

Ticket Will Admit to Ten Games

A season ticket will admit the holder to ten games beginning on December 13 and ending on March 3. Eight of these games are listed below. The remaining two will be with either Canadian, college, or local club teams as yet not definitely included in the season's schedule. The contests are as follows:

Princeton, Toronto, Cornell, Boston Athletic Association, Boston Hockey Club (coached by Robert Winsor '05 and composed of former University hockey players), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dartmouth, and Boston University.

The season ticket seats will be in the reserved sections on the Harvard side between the goals. Holders of such seats may purchase extra tickets to go with them at regular reserved seat prices. Since these tickets are not issued by the H. A. A., but by the Boston Arena on a purely commercial basis of reduced rates for a large number of students they are not subject to any of the H. A. A. restrictions and are therefore transferable.


The price of such a season ticket is $7.00 and war tax making a total of $7.70. Tickets to these ten games, bought individually at the box office for corresponding seats would cost $23.10, the net saving being $15.40. Tickets will go on sale on Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock at Leavitt and Peirce's and at the H. A. A
