

The Why of Superman

Scientists of Columbia University, in a series of tests conducted some weeks ago, have discovered the factors which undoubtedly are largely responsible for Ruth's remarkable ability to hit the ball for home runs. These tests gave him a rating of ninety per cent efficiency compared to an average for humankind of pitiful sixty per cent. His eyes were twelve per cent faster than the average, his ears perform their functions in ten per cent less time than the average, and 499 out of 500 persons have nerves less steady than his.

Great is the nation which produces a Babe Ruth, and takes both pride and joy in the manifestations of his prow ness. The superman in baseball has arrived, and, thanks to the scientists, we know why he is a superman. May, we not hope that succeeding generations of Americans, profiting by a knowledge of the reasons for the success of our athletes, will develop to the full limit their eyes, their ears, their nerves and their muscles, and enter the game of life trained to knock out "home runs" in their chosen callings? The superman, whether in baseball, statemanship or industry, is only the average man plus a little additional efficiency, both mental and physical, a little more will-power and "pep". Boston Evening Transcript
