

Track Meet Assured for End of July-The Two American Universities Will Resume Athletic Relations With Englishmen Near New York

The Princeton athletic authorities have received definite word from B. D. D. Rudd, captain of the Oxford track team, that Oxford and Cambridge will meet Princeton and Cornell in a dual meet to be held in New York or vicinity or about July 29. Travers Island will probably be the scene of the contest, though no final arrangement has been made as yet. The conditions of the meet will be the same as those of the University-Yale duel with the English colleges July 23 in the Stadium. The American and English teams will enter only two men in each event, first places alone counting in the score.

Princeton and Cornell have both been eager to meet the English runners in America this summer, inasmuch as within the last year track teams from these two American colleges have competed against the British in England. Princeton defeated Oxford in a closely contested dual meet at Queen's Club, London, last July; while the Cornell cross-country team lost by a small margin to the Oxford and Cambridge harriers last winter over an English course. Princeton has been in correspondence with Oxford since last November concerning a return meet.
