


Arrangements have been completed for the dance which the Union will hold on Friday night, February 18, in honor or the visiting Princeton Triangle Club. The proceeds of this dance are for the benefit of the Harvard Endowment Fund. The management of the Union announces that there will be two orchestras; the Meyer Davis orchestra of seven pieces from Philadelphia will play in the main Living Room, and Spaulding's four-piece orchestra which furnished the music for the tea-dances this fall, will play in the dining room. The dance will begin at 11 and end at 3 and seventy members of the Triangle Club will be present after their performance of "They Never Come Back" at Jordan Hall. Tickets for the dance, costing two dollars a person, or four dollars a couple, are on sale at the Union and Herrick's.

Seven University men have been chosen to act as ushers for the Princeton men at the dance. They are H. R. Atkinson '21, H. H. Faxon '21, R. E. Larsen '21, J. A. Sessions '21, H. D. Smith '21, Myles P. Baker '22 and Vinton Chapin '23.

List of Patronesses

The list of patronesses for the dance has been announced as follows:

Mrs. T. N. Cabot, Mrs. Ezra Thayer, Mrs. Andrew Adie, Mrs. John L. Batchelder, Mrs. Francis Lowell Coolidge, Mrs. William T. Councilman, Mrs. Robert Wales Emmons, 2nd, Mrs. Clement S. Houghton, Mrs. Roger B. Merriman, Mrs. William Lowell Putnam, Mrs. J. Montgomery Sears, Mrs. Augustus Thorndike, Jr., Mrs. George S. West, Mrs. Clarence S. Fiske, Mrs. E. C. Moore, Mrs. L. B. R. Briggs, Mrs. E. A. Whitney, Mrs. Frederick Allen, Mrs. R. DeC. Ward, Mrs. H. B. Richardson, Mrs. Albert Thorndike, Mrs. George Batchelder, Mrs. C. J. White, Mrs. George Howell, Mrs. Alexander Ladd, Mrs. Sewell Fessenden, Mrs. William Goodwin, Mrs. Abbott Lawrence Lowell, Mrs. Matthew Luce, Mrs. G. P. Baker, Mrs. D. M. Little, Jr., Mrs. Henry M. Faxon, Mrs. George Wigglesworth, Mrs. C. F. Adams, 2nd, Mrs. C. F. Adams, Mrs. Russell T. Fry, Mrs. Lothrop Withington, Mrs. G. W. Cram, Mrs. Chester N. Greenough, Mrs. Henry Yeomans, Mrs. F. S. Mead, Mrs. Theodore Richards, Mrs. Harold Murdock, Mrs. "Theodore Bremer, Mrs. Thomas N. Perkins, Mrs. William Lawrence, Mrs. John F. Moors, Mrs. Robert Grant, Mrs. Francis L. Higginson, Mrs. Paul R. Frothingham, Mrs. Edward H. Bradford, Mrs. Ellery Sedgwick, Mrs. Wm. R. Thayer, Mrs. Norwood P. Hallowell.
