

Will Spend Five Days in Training at Atlanta--Schedule Only Two Games--Decision to Go South a Result of Successful Trip Last Year

The University baseball team will have a week of intensive training in the South next spring, according to the tentative plans just announced by the baseball management, for a trip to Atlanta, George, during the April recess. Last year a spring trip was attempted for the first time, and it success in giving the members of the team an early development has caused the baseball management to make arrangements for a second trip.

Although the time which will be spent in the South will be longer than was spent last spring, only two games, the game number as the University played last year, will be on the schedule, and the Columbia contest at New York, which has been one of the annual events of the Crimson nine, will be omitted. The reason for playing so few games is that the main purpose of the trip is to give the baseball men coaching rather than playing. While the Southern teams will be in mid-season condition when the University players arrive in Georgia, the Crimson team will be just starting, and a series of heavy games coming at that time will, it is felt, be detrimental rather than helpful to the players.

Instead of the two games with Oglethrope University that were on last year's schedule, the Crimson is planning to play Georgia Tech on April 19 and 20. The reason for not playing Oglethrope is that their Northern trip will conflict with these dates.

After playing a game in Cambridge on Saturday, April 15, the team will leave in the evening and will arrive at Atlanta on Monday afternoon. While at Atlanta, the players will work twice a day, practicing for two hours both in the morning and afternoon. Practices will be held either at the Southern League Ball Park or on the Georgia Tech field.

On Friday evening, April 21, the team will leave for the North and will arrive in New York Saturday night. By canceling the Columbia game, an extra day of practice will be secured. It has not been decided how many men will make the trip, but it is probable that only a limited number of picked members of the first squad will be taken.
