

Conference Discussed at P. B. H. at 12.30 Today--43 Have Signed

At 12.30 today there will be a meeting in Phillips Brooks House of all men who are going to the Silver Bay Conference from June 25 to July 4, and all others who are interested. At this meeting instructions will be given as to trains, registration and other details; and opportunity will be offered for questions as to the program and features of the conference.

The list is still open for men who wish to attend the conference, and those men who expect to go should sign up immediately because the hotel reservations must be made within a week. The University delegation now totals 43 men, the following having signed up in addition to those announced recently: R. S. Tucker 2G., S. N. Kellog 2E.S., O. H. Munroe '20, W. E. Harris '20 and R. P. Cutler '22.

The delegation will leave Boston on Thursday evening, June 24, on the Albany night express at 11.30 o'clock, and will arrive at Silver Bay the following day.
