

To Report Results of Intercollegiate Hoover Convention in New York.

A political rally for the purpose of stirring up Hoover enthusiasm for the straw ballot tomorrow will be conducted by the Hoover League of the University in Emerson D this evening at 8 o'clock. L. K. Garrison '19, vice president of the league, will preside. Besides focusing attention on the College ballot, it is planned to explain to members of the Hoover League and all Harvard men interested in Hoover's nomination the part remaining to be played by the colleges in the campaign. Only University members will be admitted. The results of the intercollegiate Hoover meeting last Saturday will be outlined.

This meeting was held at the Biltmore Hotel in New York and was addressed by Herbert Hoover himself, who spoke with freedom on the leading foreign and domestic issues of the campaign. His talk was followed by informal questions from the floor concerning his political viewpoint and attitude towards various issues not touched on in the address.

Members of the Hoover National Republican Club also addressed the delegates who were present from 22 colleges, and exchanged views with them. The upshot of the discussion was put in a report and plan of campaign, which will be explained at the rally tonight. Additional information concerning the meeting and new pamphlets secured from the New York office may be obtained at Hoover headquarters in the Dunster House Bookshop today from 1.30 to 2.30 o'clock.
