


The University relay team will compete this afternoon at Franklin Field, Philadelphia, in the American College Sprint Medley Championship, which promises to be one of the feature events of the annual Pennsylvania Relay Carnival. The Crimson quartet is composed of B. Wharton '22, E. O. Gourdin '21, W. H. Goodwin '20, and Capt. D. F. O'Connell '21, the first two of whom will run 220-yard dashes, the third a quartermile, and the last named a half-mile. These same men will comprise the team which is to run in the American College One-Mile Relay Championship, which will take place tomorrow.

Among the colleges contending for the Sprint Medley Championship are Kansas, Pittsburg, M. I. T., Pennsylvania, Nebraska, Columbia, Princeton, Cornell, Chicago, Georgetown, Minnesota, Illinois, Missouri, Lafayette and Michigan.

In addition to the relay team, R. W. Harwood '20, is to compete in the pole-vault and Gourdin in the 100-yard dash and the broad jump.

Spring Meet Set Forward.

The Annual Spring Handicap Track Meet, which was to have been held tomorrow, has been set forward one day and will take place this afternoon at 4 o'clock. This change was made so as to avoid a conflict with the Triangular Crew Race, and baseball game with Cornell, scheduled for tomorrow.


All members of the track squad who are not at Philadelphia or entered in the 1923 meet with Andover are eligible to compete and should sign in the blue books at the Freshman Dormitories, Leavitt & Peirce's, or the Locker Building before 2 o'clock today.
