


Fifty-three men have been chosen to go on the spring trip of the Glee Club, it was announced yesterday. This trip, the first of any consequence taken by any musical club in the University since 1914, will consist of seven concerts in as many cities.

The complete schedule of concerts and other activities in which the Glee Club will participate during the trip follows:

April 18, Sunday.--Joint concert for Symphony Orchestra Pension Fund, Symphony Hall, Boston, at 3.30 o'clock. Men leave at 11 o'clock for Philadelphia.

April 19, Monday.--Concert at Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia, at 8.15 o'clock. Dancing follows.

April 20, Tuesday, Concert at National Theatre, Washington, at 4.30 o'clock. Theatre party in the evening.


April 21, Wednesday.--On road to Cincinnati.

April 22, Thursday.--Twenty-four men sing at Cincinnati High School in the morning. Concert at Emery Auditorium, 8.15 o'clock.

April 23, Friday.--Concert at Orchestra Hall, Detroit, at 8.15 o'clock.

April 24, Saturday.--Concert at New Masonic Hall, Cleveland, at 8.15 o'clock.

April 25, Sunday.--Concert at the Chapel, Vassar College, at 7 o'clock.

List of Those Making Trip.

The names of the men who will go on the trip follow:

Director.--Dr. A. T. Davison '06.

Managers.--S. M. Crocker '21, A. R. Duane '22. Accompanist.--M. M. Smith '20. Soloist.--H. E. Scott '22.

Tenors.--K. Campbell '21, B. S. Cogan '23, A. French '21, H. M. Hite ocC., H. H. Holliday ocC., J. J. Irvin '22, R. N. Johnson '22, J. F. Lautner '21, R. A. Lyon '22, H. MacFadden '21, W. B. Martin '21, H. Perrin '21, M. A. Shattuck 2L., R. W. Shaw '20, R. H. L. Skinner '22, R. A. Southerland 1S.A., R. E. Stevens '23, J. G. Swift '22, V. G. Thomson Unc., C. D. Whidden Unc., G. R. Young ocC.

Basses.--M. G. Adam '22, L. C. Barry '21, J. R. Bell '21, W. C. Bennett '23, C. W. Cook 1G.B., R. M. Cross '23, R. P. Cutler '22, F. A. Delapenha '21, M. H. Dill '20, C. W. Eliot, 2nd, '20, D. P. Ferguson '22, Q. T. Ford 1L., G. Henderson '21, W. C. Holbrook '21, C. N. Macdonald '21, A. H. MacIntyre '21, W. F. Manley '20, E. H. Morse '22, F. O. Noble 1L., L. R. Ring '22, H. E. Scott '22, W. M. Silverman 3L., F. S. Stranahan, Jr., '21, O. J. Teegan '22, B. Ulin '20, L. Walsh 2L., E. A. White '21, J. N. White '21, F. W. Willett 1G.B., T. S. Woods '20, N. W. Wood '22, S. B. Young '21
