
Call for Teachers at Constantinople Comes to University Men

"American institutions are today the most potent influence in the Near East for4 the development of the people along social and educational lines," said Mr. Luther R. Fowle of the American Board of Foreign Missions, in a special interview with a CRIMSON reporter yesterday. "All groups of people are looking for aid and assistance in their troubles to America, whom they regard as having accepted a moral mandate over their country."

Mr. Fowle spoke yesterday at Phillips Brooks House concerning the opportunities for University graduates as teachers at Robert College, Constantinople.

"During the past 100 years," he continued, "Robert College has been the largest single factor in the educational and economic development of the Near East. The Kingdom of Bulgaria has been practically brought into being and guided by the principles instilled in that college. Since the establishment of that kingdom practically every cabinet has contained at least one Robert College graduate. In other parts of the Near East the influence of that institution has been equally powerful."


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