

"Duties of the Citizen" is the Subject Chosen By Noted Lawyer For His Talks Here

Mr. Moorfield Storey '66, A.M. '69, of Boston has been selected to deliver the Godkin lectures for 1920. These lectures which are delivered under an endowment fund to the University, will be given in Emerson D, and will be open to the public. Throughout the lectures, which will be upon the general subject "Duties of the Citizen," Mr. Storey will attempt to convey "a broad and comprehensive outlook on certain political and social problems confronting American citizens."

Mr. Storey, who is one of the most prominent lawyers in this section of the country, is well fitted both by ability and experience to deliver these lectures. He is the author of numerous volumes on law and politics.

The dates and titles of the separate lectures are as follows:

March 15--Use of Parties.

March 17--Obedience to the Law.


March 22--Racial and Class Prejudice.

March 24--The Labor Problem.

March 26--Our International Relations.

This endowment fund was established in 1903 by the friends of Edwin Laurence Godkin '77, late editor of the Nation, as a memorial for his long and distinguished service to the country of his adoption.

The income of this fund is devoted to the delivery and publication of annual lectures upon "The Essentials of Free Government and the Duties of the Citizens." The purpose of these lectures is to give a conception of the duties attendant on democracy.
