

Noted Labrador Doctor Will Tell of Varied Experiences in His Long Career in North

Dr. Wilfred T. Grenfell will give an illustrated lecture upon "Cold Facts From Labrador" in Peabody Hall, Phillips Brooks House, Monday, November 22, at 7.45 P. M. Although the meeting is to be held under the auspices of the Graduate Schools Society of Phillips Brooks House, all members of the University will be welcome. Illustrations will be shown upon the screen while the veteran doctor will tell a few stories which for years have interested many Cambridge audiences and made him one of the most popular lecturers who come to the University.

Variety, adventure and human interest are elements which stand out primarily in Dr. Grenfell's talks. For twenty-eight years he has acted as a surgeon, fought disease and given aid to thousands of fisherman who have been held up on ice floes on the Labrador Coast. He and his assistants cared for over 12,000 patients in one year in their eight hospitals on land and the five on sea. Moreover, being almost the sole agent of civilization in the bleak north, his work has been extended so that he now operates a children's home, two industrial stations, and three clothing distribution centers, with each of which peculiar and illuminating problems are connected.
