


Professor Frank Aydelotte '03, American Secretary to the Rhodes Scholarships Trustees, announced yesterday that seven members of the University had been appointed as Rhodes scholars for the forth-coming year. In an interview he explained the new system by which the Rhodes scholars will hereafter be chosen and gave a brief history of the scholarships since their establishment in this country.

The seven men connected with the University who will go to Oxford either in January or October of next year and the states they represent are as follows: C. W. Carter, Jr., '20, from Illinois; E. R. Baltzell 1G., from Indiana; E. S. Mason 1G., from Kansas; C. Brinton '19, from Massachusetts; S. M. Pargellis IL., from Nevada; R. L. Humber, Jr., 2G., from North Carolina; and E. Evans 1L., from Wisconsin.

Including these seven men a total of 63 have been appointed this year. Under the new regulation, these men were chosen by committees of ex-Rhodes scholars in each state instead of by the former committees composed of college presidents. They will also escape the qualifying examinations for admission which have, up till now, been obligatory.

Established in 1904.

"The Rhodes Scholarships started in America in 1904," said Professor Adelotte," and have gone on without interruption until they were suspended because of the war, after the appointments in 1917. In those days appointments were made by committees of college Presidents, and all men were required to take entrance examinations in Greek, Latin, and mathematics for Oxford.


"Elementary in character as these examinations were, at least fifty per cent. of the men failed. Out of approximately 2000 men who have tried the examinations in the last fifteen years, I do not believe that more than 1000 have passed.

New Committees Formed.

"When the scholarships were resumed after the war it was decided to give to the men in this country who know most about Oxford the honor of selecting the Rhodes scholars. College presidents have still been retained as chairmen of these committees, as is instanced by the appointment of President Lowell as chairman of the Massachusetts committee. The secretary of this committee is Assistant Professor R. K. Hack of the University, who will give out all information concerning the scholarships to men living within the state.

"Hereafter men will be appointed for scholarships entirely on the basis of their college records and on certain testimonials which they must submit to the committee. Later they will appear before the committee in person to check up their records."

Speaking of the recent vote at Oxford to abolish Greek as a compulsory part of the curriculum, Professor Aydelotte expressed himself as being in favor of continuing the study of the classics, although he does not believe that they should be made compulsory
