


In its last game of the season the University soccer team will oppose the Haverford eleven on Soldiers Field at 2.30 o'clock today. This game marks the close of a fairly successful season, and also the end of virtually all of the fall sports. The team has played seven games, of which two have been won and two tied. In the first game of the season the inexperienced Andover players were over-whelmed, although they put up a game fight and kept the score to 3-1. The second game was a hard-won victory for a team of Chinese students, 1-0; but a week later the University once more triumphed with a defeat of Springfield, 1-0. In its annual trip the team was unfortunate in having to play two games in succession and travel two nights, but in spite of this they tied Cornell and played a splendid game against Princeton, so that it was with difficulty that the latter won 3-0. Pennsylvania won the sixth game, but in the Yale game last week a gruelling match ended with a scoreless tie, P. K. Fisher '20 carried the ball repeatedly up to his opponents' goal, only to have it kicked back out of danger.

Today's Game a Stiff One

Captain Gardiner Tilton '20, V. B. Kellett Occ. and P. K. Fisher '20 have been the outstanding stars of the season. Fisher and Kellett have been the offensive mainstays of the team, while Tilton, at half-back, has been always effective in checking his opponents' onrush.

The Haverford game today is expected to be as close as any this season, as at Haverford soccer is one of the chief fall sports. Two days ago Haverford and Cornell fought to a tie, as had the University and Cornell earlier this year. The probable line-up of the University team at the first of the game will be as follows: Washburn, g.; Carpenter, r.f.b.; Glaser, l.f.b.; Masters, r.h.b.; Tilton, c.h.b.; Heard, l.h.b.; Smith, r.i.f.; Henderson, l.i.f.; Fisher, c.f.; Kellett, r.o.f.; Phillips, l.o.f.
