
Association Yearlings Battle M.I.T.

The Freshman soccer team will end its season today when it meets Massachusetts Institute of Technology Freshmen. The Freshmen have played five games, of which they have won only the game with Milton on Tuesday. They have already met the Technology Freshmen once this year and were defeated in a close and spectacular game, 1-0. Captain R. W. Heizer of the Yearlings has been the star of the 1923 season, playing an excellent defensive game throughout. Since no game with Yale was played, the awarding of numerals will be determined by the length of time each man has played in the several games.

The probable line-up for today's game is: Tishman, g.; Morse, l.f.b.; Murray, r.f.b.; Keegan, l.h.b.; Heizer, c.h.b.; Benediet, r.h.b.; Dow, c.f.; Cheston, l.i.f.; Pallo, r.i.f.; Fletcher, l.o.f.; Young, r.o.f.
