

Vice-President Marshall So States. Men In College's Should Not Rush into Army Indiscriminately.

The Honorable Thomas R. Marshall, Vice-President of the United States, in the Daily Princetonian, has stated his views upon the relation of the student body to the war and to the nation. The Vice-President is strong in his belief that college men should continue their academic work.

Speaking on the relation of the student body to the war Vice-President Marshall said: "My views are quite clear upon this subject. I was heartily in favor of Conscription, in order to enable the Government to select those persons who could best be spared from civil life and who could best discharge military duty. I still believe in the principle.

"This war, I hope, is going to end the power of force in the world, but it is not going to end time nor blot out the human race. The future is going to demand leadership as the past has demanded it. Young men who have the opportunity to obtain liberal education should not, through more patriotic feelings and because they are fearful that somebody will allude to them as slackers, drop this training and rush indiscriminately into the army."
