


Plattsburg, N. Y., June 13, 1918.--The Government Camp for R. O. T. C.'s is being conducted here in the same manner as the first two Officers' Camps last summer. The officers in charge of the camp are endeavoring to cover all the ground in a month that was covered before in three. Most of the work will consist of drill and conferences, but all the phases of modern warfare, such as bayonet fighting, trench-building, the use of gas, and the construction of obstacles, will be studied. A week's hike under full field equipment will conclude the work.

Three thousand men make up this R. O. T. C. training regiment. There are four battalions, consisting of four companies each. A regular army major commands each battalion and there are three officers for every company. A captain or first lieutenant of the Reserve is the company commander and he is assisted by a first lieutenant of the national army and a second lieutenant of the regular army. The quota of any one institution is usually distributed throughout one battalion. All representatives of the University except the ones who had been detailed to Camp Devens are in the first battalion with the quotas from three Southern colleges, Georgia, Georgia Tech, and Norwich, and a few from Williams and Amherst.

A permanent first sergeant is chosen from the students of each company, but all the rest of the officers and non-commissioned officers are changed daily or at less frequent intervals. University representatives who have acted as company commanders are F. C. Fishback '19, J. Harrison '20, J. V. Spalding '20, J. Gaston '21, and T. H. Gammack '20.

The daily routine begins at 5.30 o'clock and ends at 10 o'clock. Drill lasts from 7 until 11.30 o'clock in the morning. The afternoon is taken up with practice marches, conferences, and practice ceremonies.

No athletics have been played yet, but baseball teams are being formed. Later games will be played for the championship.
