

A good officer has not only a wide and accurate general knowledge, but must be especially expert in one or two important branches of the military art. A number of R. O. T. C. men who are going to the June camp will have an excellent chance at Camp Devens to become specialists. They will be instructed in the Hebert system of physical training, and in addition, either grenade throwing or the British bayonet manual. As they will be given an intensive course in connection with the O. T. C. camp there is no doubt that this instruction will be thorough and efficient. The training will be of particular value at the University camp later in the summer, when these men will act as instructors to a very large and green assortment of would be soldiers, where real knowledge will be at a premium.

The problem of what is going to be done with June camp men for the rest of this month has now been partly solved. As it is not stated how many men will be taken, all who can should sign up at once. Those who go to Devens will have a course as valuable as any that has yet been offered to the R. O. T. C.
