

University Players Victorious in Four of Five Matches at Woodland.

Dartmouth went down to defeat before the University golfers at the Woodland Golf Club yesterday afternoon when the Crimson players took four out of five matches. G. A. Whittemore '18 brought in the low score of the day with a good 84. The teams played Nassau count and of the 15 points possible the University took 11.

R. H. Wales '19 won from Anchony, by taking all three points.

G. A. Whittemore '18 defeated E. Emerson, the Dartmouth captain, taking all three points.

H. C. Bartholomay '19 won two out of three points from Rotschild, Dartmouth's strongest player.

M. Fechheimer '19 won each of his three points from Frost at the crucial holes.


E. S. Baker '20, the fifth man, lost his points to Monk in a closely contested match which the Dartmouth player won one up.
