

Auslander and Newhall Win Garrison and Toppan Prizes.

Several prize awards for this year have just been announced by Roger Pierce '04, Secretary of the University Corporation. The Lloyd McKim Garrison Prize for 1917-18, consisting both of a money award of $100 and a silver medial of special design, has been awarded to Joseph Auslander, ocC., of Brooklyn, N. Y. This prize, which was founded by the Class of 1888 in memory of their classmate, Lloyd McKim Garrison, is awarded annually for the "best poem on a subject to be chosen by a committee of the Department of English." Balzac's "Whither?" was the subject for this year's competition, the winning selection being in the form of a group of three sonnets on this theme.

The Toppan Prize of $200 for as Doctorial Thesis for 1916-17 in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, has been awarded to Richard Ager Newhall, Univ. of Minn. '10, Gr., 1917, of Minneapolis, Minn. His subject was, "The English in Normandy, 1416-1424."

The Bowdoin Prize of $50 for undergraduates has been awarded to Harold Henry Berman '20, of Dorchester, for a translation into Latin of a passage in Prescott's "Conquest of Mexico."

No prize has this year been awarded in the Francis Boott musical competition.
