

The Task Ahead.

Those who believe that we have several years of war before us are not pessimists. That we must win, that we shall win, that there is no doubt about the Germans being subdued, but that victory will not come until there has been a full development of American fighting strength, and such an application of our developed strength that it will prove a determining factor in military action, is their view. They do not look upon the present German drive as action which if unsuccessful would result in an early ending of the war or which, if it should succeed in gaining and holding important objectives, would shorten the war. The only end of the war, as they see it, is the crushing of German military power to such a degree that a victory of civilization will be scored against a German effort at conquest and the lesson taught that in the twentieth century wars for conquest planned, timed and inaugurated for the aggrandizement of emperors or empires do not pay as they often did between the periods of Alexander the Great and Napoleon; the lesson that civilization virtually is a union of righteousness dominated by the principles of justice, humanity and freedom, and that upon these principles, and against the ruthless tenets and savage practices of the imperialism of ancient times and of the Middle Ages nations which are civilized can agree, and will co-operate successfully, even though some of them may be Christians and others believers in Buddhism, Mohammedanism or other religions. --Boston Transcript.
