


With all preparations now complete and a large attendance assured, the annual Freshman jubilee promises to be as successful as its predecessors. The festivities will follow in general the plan of former jubilees, and will commence at 5 o'clock this afternoon with a concert in Smith Halls Common Room. The gates will be closed to the public at 1 o'clock after which time it will be necessary for all but residents in this dormitory to present tickets for entrance to the Smith quadrangle.

The chief attraction of the afternoon concert will be the 1921 Instrumental Club, formed recently, under the leadership of E. C. Whittemore '19, and headed by W. D. H. Huttig '21. A double quartet also has an important place on the program.

The main feature of the jubilee, the interdormitory song contest, will commence at 7.30 o'clock and continue for about an hour. Each chorus will sing one college song and one recent popular song, beside the football songs which will give the judges a basis on which to select the best chorus. After the winning singers have been named, their leader will be presented with the cup and baton and will conduct the singing of the three choruses together. The dance of the evening will begin about 8.30 o'clock and end promptly at 12.30. Two orchestras under Bert Lowe of Boston will play in the Common and Dining Room of Smith Hall, and the piazza on the south side of the building will be thrown open to the dancers. Punch will be served throughout the dance.

The entire proceeds from the affair will be donated to the second Red Cross Fund and consequently no war tax will be required on tickets
