


Tomorrow's celebration of Memorial Day by the Memorial Society will be featured by the presentation to the University of a Roll of Honor containing the names of all former members of the University who have been killed in the war. Mr. W. C. Lane '81, president of the Memorial Society, will make the formal presentation at the exercises in Sanders Theatre. The Roll will be established in the entrance of the Widener Library beside the entrance to the Farnsworth Room.

Seventy names will be inscribed on the Roll tomorrow in chronological order, beginning with that of C. Williamson '05, who was killed in Belgium on November 12, 1917, while fighting in the British Army, and ending with K. P. Culbert '17, whose death was reported two days ago in the CRIMSON. The Roll itself consists of a large dark-wood panel with five columns in which to place the names. Above the columns are inscribed these lines from James Russell Lowell's poem on the death of Robert Gould Shaw:

"But the highest soul burns to light men's feet

Where death for noble ends makes dying sweet."

The whole panel was designed by Mr. C. A. Coolidge '81, and built by John Evans and Company.


Major Henry Lee Higginson '55 will preside at the exercises, and Lieutenant Morize will be the chief speaker. Officers, graduates and undergraduates of the University as well as University veterans of the Civil War will gather in front of University Hall at 12 o'clock, while the R. O. T. C. will form in front of Hollis and Stoughton Halls. On the arrival of the Charles Beck Post, G. A. R., the procession will start towards Sanders Theatre, escorted by the University R. O. T. C.

Seats will be reserved for everyone in the procession and for the invited guests, who will include the families of University officers and of the men killed in the war. After the ceremony, the University veterans are invited to remain in Sanders Theatre and lunch together. The whole second balcony will be thrown open to the public and tickets will not be required.

As the tablets in Memorial Hall transept are to be draped with laurel, the Memorial Society requests all friends to send flowers some time before 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
