

Have Six More Workouts Scheduled Before Saturday's Race.

The University oarsmen who will race Yale on the Housatonic Saturday leave Cambridge for New Haven this morning at 8.30 o'clock. Contrary to the practice of former years the squad will not be quartered at Red Top for its final workouts, but will have its headquarters in New Haven, where the men will be accommodated in several Yale clubs. Coach Haines will be in charge of the oarsmen. Manager A. F. Tribble '19 and Assistant Manager C. M. Draper '19 will also make the trip with the crew.

This afternoon the eight will take a practice spin over the Housatonic course which is but a few miles from New Haven. Charlie Hart, the University boat-rigger, who has been in New Haven since the first of the week, has completed the refitting of a Yale shell with oarlock riggers in place of the latter's tholepin arrangement. On Thursday and Friday there will be stiff workouts both morning and afternoon with a short run scheduled for Saturday morning.

Satisfactory arrangements for an observation train could not be made with the railroad company. It will be possible, however, to watch the race from the railroad tracks which closely follow the entire course. No other races are scheduled for the afternoon but the first University contest, which will not be rowed until 6 o'clock in the afternoon.

The seating order of the eight, which has not been changed since the Princeton race, will be:

Stroke, R. S. Emmet '19 (capt.); 7, F. B. Whitman '19; 6, D. L. Withington, Jr., '20; 5, F. Parkman '19; 4, J. S. Coleman '19; 3, C. F. Batchelder '20; 2, J. F. Linder, Jr. '19; bow, R. H. Bowen '20; cox., R. Reynders '20.
