


Before an audience consisting of a doxen visiting officers and scores of civilians, the University Reserve Officers Training Corps Unit executed its last field maneuver of the academic year at Fresh Pond yesterday afternoon and closed its year's work with a regimental parade.

The field exercise was executed with more precision than any previous maneuver this year. Under Captains F. Parkman '19 and G. C. Barclay '19, the Regiment went through the exercise of approach and debouchement and then paraded under the command of Captain G. A. Brownell '19.

Those who attended the afternoon's exercises as representatives of R. O. T. C. units in other Eastern colleges were Colonel Parke, of Connecticut State University; Major Lang, of the University of Maine; Major Guild, of Johns Hopkins; Major Wygant, of Wesleyan; Captain Gillespie, of Yale; Captain Twiss, of Rutgers; Captain King, of the College of New York; Captain Dove, Rhode Island State University; Captain Kernan, of New Hampshire State College; Lieutenant Rugg, of M. I. T.; Professor Hooper, of Tufts; and Lieutenant Andrew, of the United States Army Aviation Corps.

Colonel Parke, in an interview with a CRIMSON reporter last evening, expressed his complete satisfaction with the appearance of the University Corps, and in speaking of the conference declared that in his belief the event would probably become an annual one. "The men showed up very well indeed," he said, "and showed their excellent training especially in the exactitude with which they complied with the time schedule, and in the silence which they preserved throughout the exercise.

"This conference is showing us many things, right and wrong, in the R. O. T. C. system, and is opening opportunities for correction and improvement. I think that one result of this will be the establishment of an annual meeting of R. O. T. C. commandants in the future extending even beyond New England."


Tomorrow morning the corps will assemble in the Yard, in front of Hollis and Stoughton Halls, at 11.55 o'clock as an escort to the guests at the University's Memorial Day exercises in Sanders Theatre. All men going to Plattsburg or to Devens, who are planning to leave before tomorrow, however, are excused from the formation. The Devens detail leaves in a body Monday morning.
