

Match at Princeton. 1921 Team Meets Yale at New Haven.

Today the University tennis team will meet Princeton at Princeton in their first important match of the year. All six singles and three doubles matches will be played early this afternoon in order that the men may see the baseball game between Princeton and the University. The team will be composed as follows:

Singles.--1, E. B. Benjamin '18; 2, F. M. Warburg '19; 3, A. A. Claflin '20; 4, A. E. Kirk '19; 5, W. W. Rice '18; 6, J. S. Levy '19.

Doubles.--1, Benjamin and Rice; 2, Claflin and Kirk; 3, Warburg and Levy.

The Freshman tennis players will meet at New Haven this afternoon Yale 1921. The former are the favorites. Only four men will make the trip: They will play as follows:

1, L. A. de Turenne; 2, J. B. Fenno, Jr.; 3, F. C. Hanighen; 4, N. R. Knox.


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