

TOTAL TO DATE $1,632.50

With $997.50 collected on the third day of the University Red Cross campaign, the grand total of subscriptions has been brought up to $1,632.50. This is only a mediocre showing when compared with the Radcliffe total, announced last night as $930, a much larger figure in proportion to the size of the institution than the University's total. In the remaining half of the campaign redoubled efforts will be made to reach all students so that the contribution from the University may be brought up to the neighborhood of $10,000.

The reports of the three teams last night showed the following figures: Team 1 (D. C. Hawkins '20)  $259.50 Team 2 (E. A. McCouch '20)  632.00 Team 3 (J. C. Bolton '20)  741.00   --   $1,632.50

Secretary Baker has issued this message to the nation in behalf of the American Red Cross War Fund campaign:

"Every battlefield of France speaks eloquent testimony of the merciful work of the Red Cross. If the voice of the American Expeditionary Force could be heard there would be no doubt concerning the response of the United States to the second war fund campaign. The terrors of battle are decreased and the horrors it entails are minimized by this greatest of relief agencies. No support which the American people give to it will be misconceived or misdirected."
