
Princeton's New Purpose.


Princeton has seen far and deep in the conception of a new military curriculum which the college has now announced it will offer. In a sense of the word, I means nothing less than the creation of a second West Point, with certain additional advantages of access to the treasures of cultural learning which are at Princeton. At a time when no man can foresee either the full extent of the military demand which the present war will make upon the nation before it is done or the nature of the new problems which will come after it, this effort to assist a thoroughgoing preparedness is of much value.

We have had Plattsburg camps, hurry-up training schools for officers at the colleges and in the cantonments and we still have them. They are of untold importance for the supply of a need we could not meet, under existing circumstances, in any other way. Yet at best, they are only a partial substitute for those deeper laid foundations of an officer's efficiency which are possible only with years of training and upon a program of well-rounded development such as Princeton's commandant, Major John A. Pearson, U. S. A., has provided. It is the more nature advantages which Princeton now brings within reach of, those young men who desire them and who will undertake the courses of study and discipline necessary to their attainment. As preparation for service in this war, and as extension of America's military establishment for contingencies unforeseen, the curriculum offered by Princeton 18 of serious worth. Boston Transcript.
