

Borland, Bullard, Lee and Pratt Named. Few Candidates Out for 1921 Choruses.

Four more appointments to places on the 1921 jubilee committee were announced last night by the officers of the Freshman class. Gore Hall will be represented by George DuPont Pratt, Jr., of New York City; Smith by John Nelson Borland, 2d, of Bedford Hills, N. Y.; and Theodore Vail Bullard, of South Orleans; Standish by George Cabot Lee, Jr., of Westwood. Bullard has been placed in complete charge of the program of the concert in Smith Halls Common Room at 5 o'clock on the afternoon of the jubilee.

Although the choral singing at the practice periods in the various Common Rooms has shown considerable improvement of late, it has been decided that no part songs will be attempted. Dr. Davison declared after the last rehearsal that the performance of the choruses was entirely creditable, but he is most dissatisfied with the number of men coming out. The committee has encountered serious difficulty in getting up sufficient interest in the singing, and unless the class as a whole makes a vigorous effort to make a success of the jubilee, it is more than likely that the festivities will have to be given up this year after all, as it is already extremely late in the season.

The Gore Hall chorus which was prevented from assembling last night will meet tonight at 7 o'clock for special practice.
