
Reserve Officers' Training Corps

May 9, 1918.

Special Orders,

No. 22.

1. Leave of absence for thirteen days effective, May 29, 1918, is herewith granted to Joseph Warren, Harvard R. O. T. C.

By order of the Commandant.   May 10, 1918.

Special Orders,


No. 23.

1. The retail going to Camp Devens for instruction from May 13 to 31st will be known as the Devens Detail and will consist of the following men: C. P. Anderson, P. R. Corcoran, N. L. Harris, J. Holmes, Jr., A. L. Mills, Jr., R. Phillips, Roger Pierce, J. Quarles, J. G. Remick, A. W. Rhodes, M. A. Rogers, Duane C. White.

2. Sergeant N. L. Harris is hereby appointed in charge of this detail, and will be respected and obeyed accordingly.

3. All details concerning articles to be carried and other matters will be communicated through Sgt. Harris.

By order of the Commandant,   May 11, 1918.

Special Orders,

No. 24.

1. Men going to the government camp at Plattsburg, June 3 to July 3, will be organized as a unit to be known as the June Camp Detachment.

2. This unit will assemble inside the Stadium at 8 A. M., Monday, May 13, under arms.

3. Col. J. H. Smyth is hereby detailed in charge of this unit for morning drill.

4. The schedule of work, May 13-18, will be as follows:

a. Members of the unit will perform as heretofore all their duties in the course and in the Regiment.

b. Drill will be held daily in two morning periods from 8-9.30 and 10.30-12.

c. On Tues., Wed., and Friday afternoons instruction in topography will be given under Captain Wolff.

5. The unit will assemble Tues. and Wed., at 1.20 P. M. in the Yard just east of Headquarters, and will march to the Geological Lecture Room, arriving at 1.30. All men are directed to bring H.B. pencils and erasers.

6. On Friday the unit will assemble at 1.30 P. M. on Massachusetts Avenue, west of Massachusetts Hall.

By order of the Commandant.   P. W. LONG,   Captain and Adjutant.


All men having 2.30 classes on Monday will be transported to Fresh Pond by automobile after that hour.
