

Andover Leads In First Day's Tennis Matches.

The 27th annual interscholastic tennis tournament commenced yesterday afternoon on the Jarvis Field Courts. There were 29 entries, representing Andover, Boston Latin School, Exeter, Newton High, St. Mark's and Milton. Twenty-two matches were played during the afternoon, in which Andover was an easy leader, winning nine out of ten matches played, with Exeter in second place with a total of five matches won. Kaltenback of Andover, after defeating Dana of Boston Latin, Marshall of Exeter, and Moore of Exeter, was the only man to reach the semi-finals. The six remaining matches will be played this morning.

The school winning the largest number of points, each victory counting as one point, will receive the shield offered by the Athletic Association, and the individual winner and runner-up will each receive cups. As they stand at present, the scores of the schools are: Andover 9, Exeter 5, Milton 3, Newton High 3, Boston Latin 2. Both of the St. Mark's representatives were defeated in the first round.

University Team Meets Longwood.

A six-man match will be played by the informal team against Longwood on the Chestnut Hill courts of the Longwood Cricket Club at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The tournament will consist of six single matches and three doubles. The University players will be E. B. Benjamin '18, F. M. Warburg '19, A. A. Claflin '20, A. E. Kirk '20, W. W. Rice '18 and H. G. Trevor '20. For the doubles, the players will be paired as follows:

Benjamin and Kirk vs. Niles and Bishop; Warburg and Trevor vs. Cummin and Andrews; Claflin and Rice vs. Baker and Dexter. This will be the last match which the University players will have before facing Princeton on May 25.
