

Ensign School at Princeton.

The Trustees of the University in adopting the new military plan for next year at the same time arranged for a course in naval subjects which promises to be on a par with that of the Ensign schools at Harvard and elsewhere. The courses themselves, which will count toward a degree, are modelled chiefly on the plan of instruction as followed in the Officer's School at Wissahickon Barracks, extremely comprehensive, supplemented by drill and practical training, and finishing with a cruise of ten days for intensive practice of a term's theory.

The opportunity is limited to men of 20 years of age or over; those younger, however, may gain beforehand a basis of technical, military, and international information which will be invaluable at sea. Since before receiving a commission every applicant must have served at least three months' active sea duty, the ideal plan for men nearing the required age is to enlist actively in the summer and to take the college course in the year following. Daily Princetonian
