

War Department Plans to Equip Students if Possible Next Year.

According to statements in yesterday's papers, the War Department has announced a plan under which it is expected that military training will be started next fall in practically all of the colleges over the country. Enlistments will be voluntary and officers to train the students are to be provided by the Government. If possible the War Department plans to furnish equipment to every college that enrols 100 or more undergraduates above the age of 18.

The announcement of the Department says:

"The enlistment will constitute the student a member of the Army of the United States, liable to active duty at the call of the President. It will, however, be the policy of the government not to call the members of the training units to active duty until they have reached the age of 21, unless urgent military necessity compels and earlier call.

"Students under 18 and therefore not legally eligible for enlistment, will be encouraged to enroll in the training units. Provision will be made for co-ordinating the reserve officers' training corps system which exists in about one-third of the collegiate institutions, with this broader plan."
