


"France is not exhausted nor is she, as so many have said, 'bled white'," declared M. Stephane Lauzanne, editor of the Paris Matin, in his lecture on "France in Arms" last night in the New Lecture Hall. "Since the outbreak of the war, we have raised three great loans amounting to more than three billion dollars in ready money, in addition to a like sum in stocks and bonds. Our last loan was not the least successful. We have now more than a million more men under arms than we had in 1914.

"Union and steadfastness,--those today must be the watchwords of the Allies. We have to hold out against the whisperings of pessimism. Clouds of blood and horror come, but they will pass away and the sun of victory will shine through. This is not an ordinary war; it is a holy war against treason, corruption and the power of evil.

"When France demands that Alsace-Lorraine be returned to her, it is because these territories were torn away 47 years ago. It is a question of right, and right you cannot bargain with. We did not want this war, we did not prepare for it--it was waged against us with the most utter disregard of the laws of humanity and we prefer to die than to fail in our demand for justice."

In an interview with a CRIMSON reporter, M. Lauzanne said: "I bring a message of friendship for the students of Harvard. France can not forget those men who came from your University to fight for us before the United States entered the war. Myself, I remember especially the little motor cars of ambulance drivers with the words Harvard University written upon them. They did splendid work."
