
Reserve Officers' Training Corps

Schedule for April 29 to May 4:

The Regiment.

Combat Exercises:

Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, 2.30 to 6 P. M.



(New Lecture Hall, 7.15) May 1: Captain H. Amann, "37 m.m. Gun."


The Second Battalion will drill at the Stadium on Thursday. (Target practice) 2.30 to 5 P. M.


The Second Battalion will camp during week end, May 3 to 5, at Wakefield Rifle Range.

Evening talks: May 3, Lt. Col. C. A. Romeyn (302d Inf.); May 4, Major J. A. Blanchard.

Military Science 1.

(Section meetings will be continued till May 7th, inclusive).


Azan: The War of Positions, Part 2, Chapter 2 and 3.

Military Science 2.

Prescribed Reading:

Manual for Commanders of Infantry Platoons, pp. 269-288 and 348-370.

By order of the Commandant. P. W. LONG,   Captain and Adjutant.

All Military Science 1 men taking full course will go to Wakefield.

All officers and non-commissioned officers only in Military Science 2 will go to Wakefield.

Drill only men in Military Science 1 and 2, and privates in Military Science 2, will not go.

By order of the Commandant.   P. W. LONG,   Captain and Adjutant.
