
First Noble Lecture This Evening

The Reverend Charles Wood, pastor of the Church of the Convenant. Washington, D. C., will deliver the first of the William Belden Noble Lectures for 1918 in Peabody Hall, Phillips Brooks House, tonight at 8 o'clock. Dr. Wood, who will give the entire series of six which are to follow at the same hour and place on alternate evenings this week and next, has chosen as his general subject, "The Living Christ and Some Problems of Today." His subtopic for this evening is. "The Vitality of the Religious Sentiment." Succeeding talks will deal with; (2) The Availability of God; (3) Aims that End in Self and Endless Aims; (4) Christ's Goal for Humanity; (5) The Christianity of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow; (6) The Place of Christ in the Modern World. All six lectures will be open to the public.
